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Links to websites with local history interest


Devon History Society (includes links to other local history societies).       


John Carvosso (among other subjects, John's website has local history items).



Archive documents


If you have any historic documents of local interest (e.g. deeds, wills, census records) that you wish to add to this archive then please contact Colin Muddell or Margaret Bolt (see the Contact Us webpage). 


Life and death in rural Victorian England and Wales. Neil Hudson (member). March 2018.

The collection of national statistics began in earnest with the first decennial census of 1801.  The 1841 census had been extended in content, & spawned a debate on most aspects of life which continued throughout Victoria’s reign & beyond. The data for this note has been extracted from a late Victorian Parliamentary Report laid before Parliament by the Registrar-General, John Tatham. The Report, in two parts, presents data at the National level examining occupational mortality in Victorian England & Wales, concentrating on the decade 1881-1890. It illustrates the desperate struggle experienced by our forebears for survival during the C19th. & contains detailed analysis of the national data, a selected summary of which has been included in the comparative tables reproduced here. An attempt has been made to reflect differences between rural & urban communities, highlighting certain occupational groupings. The value of ‘living in the countryside’ is clearly demonstrated! Click here to view Neil's research notes in a PDF file.


High Bickington census. Neil Hudson (member). September 2018.

Neil has collated detail from the 1841, 1851 and 1911 census information that relates to High Bickington. Each set of information can be seen in a separate PDF file by clicking the dates highlighted above. Further information can be obtained from Neil through the society's contacts or the monthly meetings. 


The Story of High Bickington

This was originally a booklet produced in 1937 by R.W. Pitman, headmaster of the village school 1929-1937. Its input to her own research is acknowledged by Avril Stone in her book, "The Book Of High Bickington: A Devon Ridgeway Village", published in 2000. Thanks are due to the society's member Neil Hudson for his transcription from the original booklet which can be viewed in a PDF file by clicking here.


St. Mary's Church memorial stones

During 2015 - 2016, members of the society recorded details of the memorial stones in the aisles of St Mary's church. Click here to view the full details in a PDF file..

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