High Bickington Historical Society
General Data Protection Regulations
Privacy Notice
Under the General Data Protection Regulations which came into force on May 25th, 2018, the society is obliged to publish this Privacy Notice to state what personal information on individuals it holds, how it is processed and what it is used for.
The Privacy Notice is available to all the categories of individuals listed in this notice and is published on the society’s public website at www.histsoc.wixsite.com/hbickingtonhistsoc
The Controllers and Processors of the data are the following officers of the society:
President: Avril Stone
Chairman: Colin Muddell. Tel. 01769 561183
Secretary: Margaret Bolt. Tel. 01769 560265
Treasurer: Tony Parsons Tel. 01769 520553
Honorary Treasurer: John Carvosso
Webmaster: Colin Muddell. Tel. 01769 561183
Meetings reporter: Colin Muddell/Margaret Bolt
Any contact with the society in connection with this Privacy Notice, should in the first place be made with the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.
Personal information held
Name, address, telephone number and email address is held for the following categories of individuals:
Society members/officers
Non-member guests attending society meetings/visits/events
Guest speakers
Owners/guides of historical houses/sites visited by the society
Donors to the society of money, archives, artefacts, etc.
Local publications contacts
Local venue contacts
In addition, annual membership expiry dates and subscription payment receipt copies are held for society members/officers.
No other personal information is held.
Purpose of holding personal information
Members/officers and non-member guests
General contact/liaison necessary for the operation of the society
Notification of society meetings/visits/events
Notification of cancellations of meetings/visits/events due to for example bad weather
Financial recording of subscriptions due and collected
Guest speakers and owners/guides of historical houses/sites
Planning and liaison for society meetings/visits/events
Reference for repeat or return society meetings/visits/events
Reference for recommendations to other historical (or similar) societies, but only with prior agreement of the speaker/owner/guide
Local venue and local publication contacts
Booking, advertising and reporting society meetings/visits/events
Donors to the society
Record of donations to the society and the donor contact details for acknowledgement of donations
The personal information held is necessary for the operation of the society and so under the General
Data Protection Regulations the lawful basis for holding and processing the data is “legitimate interest”.
Sharing of data
Personal information is not shared outside of the society, its officers and its members, except for contact details of guest speakers and owners/guides of historical houses/sites which may be shared with other historical (or similar) societies only for the purpose of planning their own events, and only with the prior agreement of the speaker/owner/guide.
Data retention
Society members/officers
For as long as their membership continues
Non-member guests
One year following their attendance
Guest speakers and owners/guides of historic houses/sites
For as long as the society requires for its operation
Donors to the society
For as long as the society remains in operation
Local publication and venue contacts
For as long as the society requires for its operation
Individuals' rights
All the categories of individuals listed in this Privacy Notice have the right to access the personal information held about them by the society. They also have the right to request the society to correct, update or delete the personal information. The society is obliged to respond to requests within a calendar month.
Data security
All personal information held by the society is in manual, hard-copy form, except for email addresses (with no other information attached) required for operation of the society and held on password-protected personal computers belonging to the society’s officers. No electronic or computerised records of personal information are kept. All the above personal information is held securely by the society’s officers in their private homes and will not be inappropriately shared or disclosed. Individuals’ data requested to be deleted or data no longer required by the society will be disposed of securely.